Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠 on LinkedIn: #passionevolved #careergrowth #backtowork #professionaldevelopment… (2024)

Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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🌟 Thrilled to Announce My Return to the Workforce! 🌟After a period of profound personal and professional growth, I am excited to re-enter the workforce with a renewed and intensified passion for my career!During my time away, I’ve deeply explored areas that have always fueled my curiosity and drive. This journey has been one of evolving interests, acquiring new skills, and honing my expertise at the intersection of behavior, brain, psychology, and neurodevelopment. The experiences and insights gained during this time have profoundly shaped my professional outlook and commitment.I've engaged in enriching educational pursuits, contributed to meaningful projects, and dedicated significant time to personal development. This journey has not only broadened my knowledge but also strengthened my resolve to make a positive impact in my field.As I step back into the professional arena, I bring with me a wealth of fresh perspectives, an intensified passion for understanding the complexities of the brain and behavior, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. I am eager to connect with like-minded professionals, take on new challenges, and contribute to innovative initiatives that resonate with my passions and expertise.Now, I feel a rush of excitement and thrill, much like diving into uncharted waters. The uncertainty is invigorating, and I'm eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. From crafting cover letters and emails to making cold calls and discovering how the landscape has evolved over the past decade, I’m ready to dive in headfirst!Here’s to embracing new opportunities and making a meaningful difference! 🌟#PassionEvolved #CareerGrowth #BackToWork #ProfessionalDevelopment #NewBeginnings #MakingAnImpact #Neurodevelopment #Psychology


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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    The Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation (OHHF), a prominent non-profit organization focused on supporting individuals with congenital heart disease and their families, has announced a national partnership with LunaJoy Health, a women's mental health company specializing in clinical operations and patient risk identification. This collaboration aims to address the increasing need for specialized trauma-informed mental health support for families nationwide, given that approximately 40,000 babies are born each year with heart defects. These families often experience significant trauma as they navigate the complexities and emotional challenges of managing their child's heart condition.As someone who has personally benefited from OHHF's incredible support I am thrilled to see this new initiative. Ollie's branch is continually innovating to support families through the trauma of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD). My own journey with OHHF led me to a therapist who truly understood my experiences. It was profoundly validating to hear her reference her other "heart moms" feeling similarly to me during our sessions. Having a therapist trained to address the unique challenges our community faces has made all the difference. This partnership with LunaJoy Health promises to extend that compassionate, specialized care to even more families, ensuring they feel understood, supported, and never alone in their journey.#OHHF #LunaJoyHealth #CHDSupport #MentalHealthMatters #HeartMoms #TraumaInformedCare #FamilySupport #CHDWarriors #OllieHinkleHeartFoundation

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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), including medical trauma, can have profound and lasting effects on the brain and overall well-being. These experiences can alter brain architecture, impacting stress response, emotional regulation, and cognitive functions, leading to lifelong challenges in mental and physical health.Understanding these implications is crucial for developing effective support systems. Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and form new connections, offers hope for recovery and resilience. By leveraging neuroplasticity, we can create therapeutic strategies to promote healing in individuals affected by childhood trauma.As I pursue my degree in Psychology and plan to advance to a graduate program in Clinical Psychology focusing on neurodevelopment, I am dedicated to this vital field of study. My focus includes understanding trauma's impact on brain development and behavior, especially in neurodivergent individuals and those with congenital heart disease.

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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    Can't wait to see our animal we adopted for Duckie on the AMB wall!

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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    The importance of caring for adults with congenital heart disease is so dire. Thank you Adult Congenital Heart Association for paving the way. As a heart mom I cling tight to the work and advocacy being done to trail blaze for the future of children like my own, and the adults that give us hope now. 💙✨️


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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and recognize the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance. As a psychology student, I understand the profound impact that social acceptance and mental health support can have on individuals' well-being. Pride Month is not just about celebrating identities; it is also a call to action to address the mental health challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Studies show that LGBTQ+ individuals are at a higher risk for mental health issues due to stigma, discrimination, and lack of support. As future psychologists, it is crucial for us to advocate for inclusive practices and create safe spaces where everyone can thrive.This month, let's commit to learning more about the unique experiences and needs of the LGBTQ+ community. Let's use our knowledge to foster acceptance, provide compassionate care, and promote mental wellness for all. Happy Pride Month! 🌈 #PrideMonth #LGBTQ #MentalHealth #Psychology #InclusiveCare

    • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠 on LinkedIn: #passionevolved #careergrowth #backtowork #professionaldevelopment… (11)


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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    I am thrilled to start my new role as Vice President of Mercer University PsiChi chapter! This opportunity is incredibly meaningful to me, and I am enthusiastic about contributing to our chapter's growth and success.April Dannelley, Justin Sanders, and Avigail Taev. I am very eager to work with you all as part of my new team. I know each of you will be instrumental in our achievements. Your dedication and passion for psychology continue to inspire me.And a special thanks to Merrin Oliver Jeffries for her unwavering support and investment in us.Together, we will strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all members, fostering professional and personal growth.#PsiChi #MercerUniversity #Leadership #Psychology #Teamwork #Gratitude

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  • Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠

    Psychology | Neuroscience | Mercer University

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    Being caught between policy, insurance, and life-saving measures is a place no human should ever find themselves. To have a life-saving drug that is not accessible is an agonizing reality far too many experience.

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Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠 on LinkedIn: #passionevolved #careergrowth #backtowork #professionaldevelopment… (20)

Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠 on LinkedIn: #passionevolved #careergrowth #backtowork #professionaldevelopment… (21)


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Nicole Cannata 💙✨️🧠 on LinkedIn: #passionevolved #careergrowth #backtowork #professionaldevelopment… (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.