Line 6 Spider III 75 Reviews (2024)


By Jakk Wylde (Jack Berdoulay) from Nottingham, Pa USA on May 22, 2009 Music Background: Good Guitarist

This is the best 75 wt amp I've ever seen!!!!
The day I got it I thought I'd use like 1 of the 300+ presets, but I use alot of 'em.
I worship this amp!!!!!!!!


By Jesus Merino from Edgewood,MD on September 20, 2008

This amps has the best sound quality I have ever heard.Also if you order it here at sweetwater I promise you will have your amp in the greatest condition then Guitar Center. Ya guitar center offers free shipping over $100 but sweetwater offer the best protection of your gear. Sweetwater gives out candy for free with your order.

Most. Versatile. Amp. Ever.

By Mike Murphy from Pearl City, HI on May 28, 2008 Music Background: Garage Band Trench Warfare, Open-Mic Night Commando

The real question here is: What does it NOT do?!

Seriously, I was looking for an amp to scale back from the half-stack I own along with plenty of features to keep me busy/creative. If you are in this boat, look no further than Line 6. With the amount of presets and modeling that you have at your fingertips, it's THE best buy. I can only wonder what these guys will think up next. For me obviously, the price was the selling point. But all the onboard effects, the tone and reliability made it seem like Christmas was coming early for me. As I do a lot of computer-based recording, having the direct out helps me out immensely as well as the tuner. The interface is extremely intuitive and almost deceptively easy to program. The only thing that I can think of that is wrong with this setup is that it doesn't come with a stock A-B switch pedal. In the long run, I am extremely satisfied with Line 6 and am now converted!

Love This AMP!

By CM from Detroit, MI on February 19, 2008 Music Background: Band in the late 60's-70's. Local records. Music lover. Hobby Guitarist, Home recordings.

This amp took some real research to get to. Tried the VOX Valvetronix (sound is good) but read alot about circuitry overheating and smoking. Didn't know if the Spider had enough tone for me but, I LOVE THIS AMP. It is especially good if you want to try out different sounds for recording. It is a clear example of something SO GOOD FOR THE MONEY!. It is quality made and allows as much tweeking and individuality as you like with the obvious advantage of getting you started with all the presets and channels. I'm just impressed with what this amp can do. IT is what it is. And for the money, it is terrific.


By guitamasta234 from Boston, MA on October 18, 2007 Music Background: Student

This amp is insane! All the presets and sounds are so useful. The sound quality is not as great as a tube amp but it still rox my sox. I like Marshall tone. I go to the Back in Black setting and there's my Marshall Crunch. If Im playing blues, I go to Texas Flood and theres my Fender tone. My point, Buy this amp!!!!!!!!!

Buy This Amp!!!!

By euphoric insomniacs from Port Orchard, WA USA on April 21, 2007 Music Background: Home-Recording Musician, Producer / Guitarist For 10 Years

I have been playing with this amp for a few months now and every single time I play with it I am amazed at how awesome this amp is! Just playing with the MANY presets is very entertaining, not to mention the vast array of sounds you can easily make yourself.
It has also made recording at home SO much easier. I just plug my guitar in and then use the line-out straight into my usb-interface. It used to take me forever setting up the mics, dialing in just the right tone, and spending a half hour adjusting the volume but now it is all saved for me in a simple preset which I can edit at any moment.
By the way, I LOVE the built-in tuner. I know it sounds stupid but it is such a relief to have a handy easy-to-use tuner that never needs new batteries and I just have to press one button.
This is a great amp at a great price!

Only amp you'll ever need

By Steven James from mid-Michigan on April 7, 2007 Music Background: ex-live performer

I feel to old to be a bar star any more, but if I
would have had this amp in my younger years(I'm
currently 51)(( I know, I didn't think I'd live this
long either.)) I probably would still be actively
pursuing my musical career. It doesn't matter if your playing to a packed house or your own house, you shouldn't accept any thing but the best sound you can possibly get.
I've had many guitar and amps over the years. Nothing even comes close to what this amp can do. No matter
if it's right out of the box or your own programs, this amp is serious about kickin some tonal a** no matter what kind of ax your swingin, there are no bad guitars through this amp, IT'S ALL GOOD.
Don't take my word for it, just go plug into one and hang the @#&* on. Last, but not least, just for the record===METAL RULES!!!


By Daniel T. from somewhere in Arkansas,U.S on October 31, 2006 Music Background: striving musician,in 2 bands,played 2 years,play everyday,love music,and guitars!,etc

I just want 2 say,bravo Line 6,bravo!
I've been looking for a new amp,for awhile now.
I've played Marshalls,Peveys,Crates,Randalls,etc.....but when I played the spider 2,I was blown away;and now that there is a spider 3,I KNOW that this is the amp 4 me.
It has EVERY thing I could want from an amp.
The speakers that Line 6 uses,are amazing....they are clear,on clean,and straight up heavy metal,when they are "dirty".I've always loved Line 6,and now with this new line of amps...they have my whole heart!
The 400 presets are great.....
Say I wanted 2 play Metallica-Enter Sandman......,usually I can't get that exact tone,that James and Kirk use....but with this,I basically,if not,do...have it,with the push of a button....and it's like that for all the presets.(250-Artist,150-song based presets)
It's very can make a
distortion-aholic,like myself,solve that problem of not have the distorted tone we demand,and if u love clean tones,this baby's got it!....
every once and a while,I like 2 rip out a few bluesy licks,and this amp makes me sound like B.B.King!...=D
So basically,if ur Grunge,Metal,Blues,Clean,or Insane....this amp can end your thirst of perfect tonal quality!...because it has perfect tonal quality!...
I could talk about this amp,for many more hours,but I won't.....
Trust me,try this thing out(skeptic or not),u'll enjoy it,if not love it.
plus,the price is awesome(thanks sweetwater),for us poor
I might be only 16,and played 2 years,but trust me....this is a great,quality,quantity,versatile,and great sounding amp.

So,all thats left for me 2 do, up some $$$,try it out,and buy it!

A good,fun amp

By Edward from southern MS on June 18, 2009 Music Background: A pro in 70's;now a hobbyist

I've had my Spider III 75 watt amp for two weeks,and I have to say that this is a FUN amp.I really like the presets,but I think I like experimenting with all of the many effects.This amp is loud,too.My wife makes me use headphones,but when they're all gone...well it gets cranked up a bit.I've been playing since I was eight years old and I'm now a spry fifty-one,and I can tell you it's the best amp I've owned.The price is what knocks me out.That's a great price for such a fine amp.I'd would advise anyone who's not made out of money but would like a great amp to buy this amp before they're all gone.


By rappa from ri on June 15, 2009 Music Background: guitarist

ive had this amp for about 6 months now and i still havent played through half of the effects this thing has to offer. with 75 watts of power it has plenty of power to play over drums. it is definatly gig capable.

A fine choice for practice and stage-play

By Tommy Ash from White City, KS on September 19, 2008 Music Background: Student/Hobbyist

This amp is a great amp for practice as well as stage-play. The many different pre-sets are great, but it is hard to find the time to test them all out. In my opinion, you will settle down to about 7 or 8 presets/effects leaving the others to rest for that rainy day at home when you can spare a few hours to play around. All in all, I don't think you can go wrong with this amp - it is quite loud too! For the money, a very excellent purchase - enjoy!

Line 6 Spider III 75 Reviews (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.