Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6

Beta, edited, and proofread by old man of the mountain.

Thank you to SFCProJunior for creating many amazing images for us, please follow him on pixiv.

It didn’t take long at all for the shop Luna opened up to gain traction and popularity. It quite literally became a storm overnight as girls came in looking to buy stuff to spice up their sex life. Ranging from them just wanting to discover new ways to appear sexy with various succubus approved lingerie, toys, aphrodisiacs, and more.

One thing she learned from Hermione was her being a publicly known sex demon was going to cause issues with the Axis Church. So, to avoid this she needed to advertise and become as popular as possible as fast as possible to have the power of the populace to argue and fight to keep her shop open. And so she did by making tons of fliers and posters for advertisem*nt. She posted them in the guild, street signs, and corners.

It was a poster with a guy walking down the street at night with a girl on his back kissing his cheek. Her body was covered and blocked by the man but you could see her sides and hips. Allowing you to see that while she had clothes it was just lingerie. The man's eyes were hearts from how much he loved the situation with the girl caressing him passionately. And below the picture was writing to help describe what was happening as well as to help advertise the shop with a nice rhyme.

Many see money as why adventurers fight

But us women are not ignorant of their plight

So we come to shop at lunar delight

For once the lunar orb is high

And the dazzling sun isn’t in the sky

It’s time for us ladies make them moan and cry

We make sure to give rise to their crown

And make their moans of pleasure fill the town

And we won’t just stop at a single kiss

For they fight for us, not money, so we shall give them bliss!

Luna was never prepared for just how busy nor how popular they would get. Her store offered a wide range of stuff.There were dild*s and vibrators for when the men were too exhausted for girls to use so that they could get her stress out. Some jelly slime candy, this world's equivalent of the candy called gushers were filled with aphrodisiacs and stamina performance enhancers. Lingerie, magic enchanted lingerie, and toys for special effects. Like a magical dild* that would act as an automatic f*ck machine, thanks to what Hermione told her about Robin. dild*s and butt plugs that would be magically bound to the girls before they have sex. This was so after they had sex and cum was inside her body the magic would automatically activate based on if she was satisfied or not. So that when her man was exhausted, the dild*s would automatically either A start pounding her hole until she was satisfied or B appears to seal the cum inside to help guarantee a pregnancy.

And then there was the lingerie with unique enchantments. This was when Luna would be paid to have a special custom fitting. She would either design a lingerie, or just take the girl's clothes and imbue it with a special enchantment that would specifically be what the girl would love. This is done by her peering into the girl's mind with her succubus magic, using her magic to grasp the girl's true nature and dark desires as if it were alive with a magic thread, pull it out of her body, and seal it into the clothing apparel desired. This would seal the girls greatest kinks into said clothing and the clothing would automatically be enchanted to best cater to the girls needs. Naturally, as a succubus, she needs magic to do this, so the girls sign a contract and pay upfront and allow Luna to sexually touch them however she wants, as a succubus feeds and gets magic from sexual stimulation. And this is the way how the succubus fed without touching other men, as after all she needed to stay faithful to her fiancé Harry.

She looked around her shop with happy smile as there were tons of cute girls wandering about, pointing at toys with a blush as they looked away with embarrassment but kept side eyeing them with want. Or them pulling out several lingerie, negligee, and sexy bikinis while gushing over their designs. Luna walked around with a pleased and happy expression as she helped the girls. Some asked if they could touch her horns, or stroke her tail, or even smell her as they were curious how a succubus body was like compared to a normal girl. Luna smiled and would allow them to do so. Feeling her hard, yet sensitive to pleasure horns, making her give low moans. Feeling a hand pull on her tail gently made her squeal with a pleased expression and blush. And finally a girl came and smelled her neck. A succubus scent was an aphrodisiac to help entice their lovers to continue so when the girl in question blushed and began to rub her thighs Luna smirked deviously as she gave her a small spank before guiding her to the toy section to help her find something to curb her lust.

The shop was going quite well and it wasn’t long before Lolisa came to get her. The small white haired succubus came over and coiled her leather tail with a heart around Luna’s and tugged her to the counter. Waiting there was a girl a bit taller than Lolisa. She had short white hair, violet eyes, and two cut like scars on her cheeks.

“Ms. Lovegood this girl said she wants to try your custom fittings.” Lolisa said as she eyed the girl curiously. She has a very high top that was basically just breast armor, a long blue scarf around her neck, a small robe cape-like material that covered her shoulders and her upper back, and finally, a pair of booty shorts. She wore such little clothing and her adventure card said she was a thief.

The thief in question nodded her head. “I had heard succubi from Elroad had set up a shop. And as Elroad is a heavy economic boom thanks to succubi and worships m….worships lady Eris, who I….worship as well, I figured it would be reasonable for me to give the shops deluxe options a try.” The thief said as she looked at the owner.

Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (1)

Luna was practically stripping the girl with her eyes. This shop had several things in mind for its construction. First it was to be a prototype shop for future shops in other cities to help relations between Elroad and Belzerg. Second was to make money to donate back home. Third was to help find girls who were single and would be able to join Harry’s harem. Luna was bisexual and wanted to have plenty of girls to have fun with, and Harry needed more brides to carry on each name he has. Peverell, Potter, Hufflepuff (from his mother), Black. This meant at a minimum Harry needed four different brides. Luna would help him achieve this…..but why stop at just four?! Harry wants a big family so Luna will help him achieve just that. She will find as many girls as she could and this thief looked gorgeous. Now she just needed to see the kind of person she is and if she would be a good match for Harry.

She then handed the thief a form. “You will need to fill this out.” She said with a smile. “The custom fitting requires me and you to have some raunchy fun in the backroom. This is a form agreeing to let me roam my hands all over your body, and you roaming all over mine and agreeing to help sexually satisfy me too. As well as being able to feed on your life force a bit and you will get the life boost candies, we succubi made to spike your manas power to recover what you lose from the feeding. My mother made this to avoid the drawbacks to people who constantly kept coming to her brothels and letting the succubi feed multiple times.”

The thief skimmed through the form. ‘by signing this, I agree to touch, kiss, and lick the succubus who will be doing my custom fitting and letting them do the same to me. I give permission for the succubus to use toys and anything they want to my body. I agree to allow her to say anything she wants in my ear to help get me off and her off to harvest my life force and transform it into enchanted clothing for my fitting.’ It had more stuff for legal agreements to make sure they wouldn’t get in trouble. She signed it and saw a section that asked what she wanted enchanted. So she put down her current outfit before handing it over to the succubus.

Luna smiled as she signed her name on it too before her tail latched to the thief’s arm. She began to tug her to the back of the store, “come on Ms.-” she looked down at the document before looking back at the thief. “Ms. Chris.” She said as she pulled her into the back room. She sat down on a chair and pulled the thief onto her lap. Her hands gripped her thighs and slowly ran her hands up and down the cute thief’s thick thighs. Rubbing them up and down before she leaned toward to kiss and lick her neck.

(Chris POV)

“W- w- w- wait!” Chris said as she moaned out at feeling the succubus kissing and licking her neck. She felt the succubus grip her thighs tighter as she pulled on her thighs. She whined as she spread her legs wider. The succubus tail reached around and began to press onto her booty shorts crotch. “ahhhhhh!”

Chris could hear the succubus begin to pant as the tail began to press harder and harder before her tail went up and coiled around her shorts button and undid it before beginning to pull it off roughly. Leaving her in a pair of purple lingerie. “You love my tail don’t you?!” She breathed into her ear lustfully as she began to grind and rub her tail against her damp panties where her slit was. Her puss* kept twitching as she felt the succubus teasing her.

She then whined as the tail moved away from her semi-transparent violet lingerie and began to go up. The tail slowly trailed up, gliding up against her belly leaving behind goosebumps as her voice let out moans of delight at the teasing. The trail slowly slithered under her breast armor, and she began to lift it up. She raised her arms up to allow the armor to go up and get removed from her chest. Her cheeks were a hot pink as she panted and looked at the succubus.

Here she was, sitting on the lap of a female sex demon, only in her semi-transparent violet panties with matching bra. A cute floral pattern adorning them. When she turned to look at the succubus she felt her tail pull her head towards the succubus. She felt her lips lock onto the succubus, her tongue licking her lips asking for entrance to which Chris allowed. The two began to dual for dominance as she felt the succubus tail slither away from her head and down to her lingerie bottom. Feeling the tail slither under the fabric, she began to rub and tease her flower petals directly. The heart rubbed gently against the folds as the succubus pressed her lips against her even rougher. Chris tongue yielded and allowed the succubus to invade her mouth.

She moaned and whined into the mouth of the demoness. Feeling pleasure as the succubus knew just how to pleasure her. So lost she was that she was shocked when she opened her eyes and saw the wide eyes of countless girls as she was in the center of the shop. Every girl watching her half naked body being assaulted by the sex demon. She gasped as she pulled away but the succubus launched her head forward to resume her attack. Her tail pushed into her folds and began to piston in out of Chris’s quivering puss* violently. The lewd squelching echoed throughout the room as the girls blushed and covered their eyes but were clearly peaking through.

Chris puss* was gushing in arousal with every passing second. She felt the tail pull out, and before she could think, she felt it flick her cl*t. Her back arched as she pulled away from the succubus lips, her mouth opened into a silent scream as she squirted hard. Her lingerie became drenched as her fluids flooded and stained the fabric. Her face flushed, and a look of pure embarrassment and arousal was on her face as she looked at the succubus. She was about to scream that this wasn’t part of the deal before she saw the girls and the center of the store fade away from existence and they were in the backroom again.

Chris had a look of pure shock on her face as she looked at the succubus in confusion before she was pushed off the chair and was on her hands and knees. The succubus looked at her form in admiration. She looked at her big round ass and the way the fabric was barely containing her ass, the way it squeezed her puss* and gave it a nice cameltoe as her lips was hugged by the sexy silk fabric. The tail smacked her big round ass again and again to redden it up.

Chris looked back in aroused joy from her treatment. Her body was burning hot in desire and she had no idea why. The thought of people seeing her body it excited her so much and she always liked clothing that exposed her skin to the arm but was it cause the draft felt good….or because of this closet desire to be seen. She was brought out of her thoughts as the tail whipped her ass again and she squealed out in joy before it coiled around the fabric hiding her rear and pulled them to the side. Revealing her bare quivering drenched petals. Her tail went forward and rubbed and teased her flower petal as the succubus bent over and licked her cheek. “Such a dirty girl! You are a exhibitionist huh? Your mind and body gets off on having your body flaunted to others. You wear those tight booty shorts and high top to show off as much skin as possible you dirty girl~!”

Chris shook her head. “n-n-no I’m not an exhi- AHHHHHH!” The succubus had none of that and her hand went back and spanked her round ass.

Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (2)

“Sweetie I’m a succubus! I can see your kinks and desires in your mind~ I know what you love and want. That illusion was what you want. That intense org*sm was from what you desired and how aroused you were in that situation! You are such a hot and kinky minx!” her tail reentered her quivering snatch and began to piston in and out violently while the succubus climbed onto all fours on top of her. She turned Chris’s head to kiss her again.

Her tail thrusting violently into the girls c*nt as she frenched her furiously. Chris was in pure heaven as she squirmed under the succubus. She pulled her head back as her body kept twitching under the succubus. “W-w-w-wait please! I just came! My body is sensitive!” she exclaimed as the succubus looked thoughtful for a moment before she gripped her head.

“Nope!” she said as she pulled Chris back to her and began to kiss her even harder. Her tongue battling her furiously and laid claim over her mouth. The succubus tail was slamming in and out at insane speeds, making lewd squelching sounds as it received it’s deep tentacle like pounding. Her juices dropped down to the floor with every slam inside and she could only moan and submit to the sexual demoness and all her glory. She kissed back with joy at the delight flooding her senses. Tongues beginning to do battle all over against as she grabbed the demoness hands and guided them to her small chest. While she didn’t have big breasts she still had a small amount of meat there. She felt the demoness pinch and lightly twist her nipples as she continued to slam tail in and out of her squelching petals. The tip of her tail touching her wombs entrance each time.

Chris could only let out moans after moan as she was used like a instrument to make sweet moaning based music…..that is until the pleasure left her completely as the succubus backed off and sat on the chair again with a smirk as Chris let out moans of disapproval when the tail pulled out of her and retreated with the sex demon. Chris gave her a look of pure longing as she crawled to the succubus. As she got closer the succubus put her tail in her face.

“Look at the mess you made!” she said as she rubbed it against her cheek. Chris could smell her scent all over the tail and saw the fluids. The succubus grinded her tail on her cheek and lips and Chris got the message quickly. She gripped the succubus tail and began to slowly lick at it. Slurping up her own fluid as she looked up at the demoness with a look of pure need. She slowly inched her fingers down to her core, but the succubus raised her foot and kicked it away. “You already got off. It’s only fair all your attention is on me until you get me to cum too!” While Chris whined as her puss* burned with need she obeyed and kept licking and sucking every drop of her sexual juice off the succubus tail before she inched forward and gripped the demoness thighs. She slowly stood up on and faced the succubus before she leaned in kissed her. Her hands went down and began to touch the succubus hot lower lips. Her fingers trailing up and down the slit before sliding into her. Her puss* was hot and drenched in arousal just like her. But after she felt her puss* Chris’s body began to heat up even more , she knew why of course, a succubus being a sex demon meant their body wss the perfect thing to seduce their target. Their scent would smell like what would attract their desired mate, their juices would taste like the targets favorite drink, and their scent and fluids are a powerful magic aphrodisiac.

Chris’s fingers began to piston in and out of the succubus nonstop as she made out with her. The succubus stood up and wrapped her arms tightly around her, she moaned out appreciatively as she eventually felt the tail begin to prod her entrance again.

Chris eventually felt the succubus tense up and a rush of fluids dripping down her thighs as she squirted. She pulled her hand back to look at her before licking it clean. It tasted so sweet and delicious and then before she could do anything she was bent over the table and the tail was ramming in and out of her quivering puss*. The demoness on top of her and her magic pinning her down as the tail rammed in and out, burying itself all the way inside of her womb and filling its space and coiling and twisting like a screw before it pull out and slammed back in again. The tail pistoling in and pressing deep inside to fill her womb all the way up and bending and flexing to fit more and more into her womb.

“f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck GREAT DIVIIIIIIINES! IM CUMMMMMINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!” Chris arched her back as she spasmed underneath the demon. Her body convulsing as she squirted hard, her juices shooting out like a jet and hitting the wall behind them. Her scream filled the air as she squirted her biggest org*sm she has had so far.

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But the succubus never slowed down her tail slamming. Chris looked back and saw the blonde-haired, blue-eyed demoness with a look of pure lust. The tail was only going faster and faster with every second. “S-S-S-S-SLOOOOOW DOOOOOOWN!” she squealed. The demoness looked thoughtful before smirking.

“No!” Her tail only sped up faster and faster. Slamming in and out of Chris puss* while twisting like a corkscrew. “Such a dirty girl! You are a exhibitionist but also have a desire for a lover who will use your body until they are satisfied! You don’t care if you get tired or how sensitive your body gets from you cumming. You want to be slammed relentlessly and made sure you satisfy your lover. Well don’t worry we are far from done!”

Chris screamed as she squirted hard again. “CUMMMING DIVINES IM CUMMING AGAIN PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEASE! I NEED A BREEEEEEEAAAAAAAK! MY BODY IS TOOO SENSITIVE NOOOOW!” But her cries went on deaths ears and her body got hotter and more sensitive by the second as she was used as a toy for the demoness. And she loved every second of it. Succubi truly did know how to treat their lovers and what they desperately craved, even in secret. There was no hiding or locking up your kinks! They would know everything!

And indeed they weren’t done for four more hours l, the sounds of Chris’s screams and cries of delight filled the air throughout the whole time. She begged for a break and wouldn’t get any. Only a small succubus named Lolisa would enter and give them water before leaving. The owner of the store was not going to be done until she completely satisfied herself just like how Chris kink was. In the end Chris was laying on the table, her arousal was everywhere in puddles with the room reeking of sex. Just fluids everywhere as she occasionally twitched from her nerves being overloaded with pleasure. Her eyes rolled up and passed out.

(Lunas POV)

Luna was ecstatic at having her first fitting. The girl was a twitching convulsing mess in her table, the scent of their debauchery filled the air as Luna tilted her head down and began to lick the drenched table. Licking and slurping up the juicy mess that the silver haired girl made. She slowly raised her head and grasped the shins of the unconscious girl. Her long licking on her shins and working their way up. Swallowing every last drop of sweat and streaks of her fluid that were running down her shins. Slowly making her way up to her thighs.

Slurping filled the room as she licked up and up, swallowing the girls delicious sexual fluids as she made her way to the girls core. It was twitching constantly from her relentless asshole that Luna abused it with. She giggled as she gently blew on it and watched it begin to spasm and convulse. She gently ran her tongue on it and gave a small kiss to it for a thank you for her delicious meal, causing the unconscious girl to twitch and moan lightly. Before Luna gently picked up the naked silverette and took her to a couch to lay down on.

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She then used her magic to grasp at the girls kinks of exhibitionism and ripped out a copy of the desires from her subconscious. She slowly walked over to her clothes and picked up the stained violet lingerie and the booty shorts and high top.

She brought their bottom to her face and Inhaled the scent of the drenched fabric and licked it a bit before she set it on the table as well. She began to push the magical subconscious desires she extracted from the thief into the fabrics and sealed them inside of it. Once it was done she stepped back to admire her work. She wrote a note and left it on the clothes for the girl to read when she woke up because her subconscious had enchanted her clothes.

She then gently and quietly left the room. Giving the poor, sweaty, exhausted girl the time to sleep and rest and privacy. As she made it out she saw some minor blushes on various girls who heard the thief being railed a few minutes earlier before she passed out. They clearly looked aroused and couldn’t look Luna in the eyes but carried on their shopping. With some whispering about wanting to try this “custom fitting,” saying how “that girl sounded like to be in pure bliss.” Luna just smiled and waved them on to keep shopping before she raised her tail, soaked in the fluids of the girls puss*, to the succubus at the registers mouth. “Here have a snack~!” Luna said as she felt the succubus gently grab her tail and slowly began to suck on it with a blush as she slurped up the fluids. Lunas mind drifted to that girl and decided that she would keep a close eye on her as she would be a perfect addition to Harry as a harem sister. She remembered her name was Chris, and her class was thief. So she took out a piece of paper and wrote that information down so that she could use it to help remember that and keep an eye on her.

(The next day)

It didn't take long for word to travel around about the custom fittings and the pleasure the girls in question receive, having a girl crying and squealing she was cumming constantly throughout the store would cause that, and so Luna had gotten a lot more fittings since. The city was filled with girls who were underappreciated, or their lovers didn't fully satisfy them and once they were satisfied would go to bed.

So her shop was steadily getting busier and busier with each passing hour for people to buy toys, aphrodisiac candy, wine, and more. She looked and saw some girls trying on various sexy lingerie and posing for their friends for opinions. One girl being cute and putting on a white innocent negligee that was enchanted to grow less transparent the closer one looked at her petals and nipples. To tease and censor the delicate bits from all angles.

Luna wrote in her notebook as she surveyed the shop and her succubus friend Lolisa went around to help customers. She couldn't understand just how many girls were pent up with sexual frustrations in this world. Their guys just didn't understand how delicate a girl's feelings are and how frustrated they were at them not being cared for. She as a succubus found this appalling and wanted to find a way to make every girl be satisfied sexually.

She wondered just how many girls she could convince Hermione to let Harry have. As Harry made it known he wanted a BIG family. And Hermione said she would be ok with two or three kids. But Harry always said he wanted lots and lots of family members, probably due to having no loving family members at all growing up, so Luna wanted to help him get his wish and said to him that she would bare as many children as he wanted until she was no longer fertile……but….if he had more girls…..then that would also help grow his family. She began to continue writing names of the various girls who came for lingerie and custom fittings so far. (She already had 5 so far including Chris yesterday.)

She looked in the book, Chris the thief, Diana the blonde guild receptionist, Lillian a server in the guild, and finally, two fittings who were reserved. One was for today for a girl named Cecily. It said she is a worshiper of axis cult. Even claims to be one of the biggest and most devout worshippers. She guessed it was that one worshiper she gave the coupon to. The other is a reserved fitting for tomorrow for a girl by the name of Lalatina. Though Said girl when she came in refused to say her name and kept insisting to be put down as darkness. Yet Luna could tell when people lied and refused to accept anything but a person's true name when scheduling an appointment. Speaking of appointments the one for Cecily should be soon today. But she got brought out of musings as a woman with a body that would make super models back in her world jealous. She had bangs covering her right eye, but her left eye was a deep blue. Her black hair was long and almost reached the ground. But what caught Lunas attention was the horns on her head and the tail that wagged slowly from side to side. Her red dress fluttered as she entered the shop with elegance

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Image made by SFCProJunior

Behind her was a girl in her late teens with shorter hair but looked like a younger copy of the woman who would make a super model murderous in jealous rage. With how much she looked like the woman she clearly was her daughter. She got sparkles in her eyes as she saw a semi transparent white nightgown and rushed to it as she took off her clothes and slid it on to see how it felt on her body.

Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (6)

Image made by SFCProJunior

Luna heard Lolisa gasp out loud as she hurried around the counter and gave a bow to the woman. “L l l Lady Midna! It’s a h h honor to have you hear at our shop. W w w what would you like?” She exclaimed in nervousness.

The name Midna jogged a gear in Lunas head and made her realize who this woman was. She was a concubine of a noble who lived nearby. Which means the smaller girl is Nyx, the eldest daughter of her and the noble. They were both cowgirls and Midna was hired to be a “milking cow” for the nobles family. But she kept getting rehired and eventually became a permanent mate and cow for the family.

Luna slowly went around the counter and approached them. “lady Midna it is a honor to have you in the shop. We don’t see many cowgirls hear….if at all…. In fact you’re the first one to enter my shop. I would be glad to offer you and your beautiful daughter some outfits free of charge if you can give me some information about your race by chance. See I’m doing a study and want to learn as much as I can.”

At the mention of free stuff both the mother and daughters eyes began to twinkle in excitement. “Why sure Ms. Luna! I would be honored to answer any questions the princess of the succubi. Your shop has gotten very popular and good things have spread about you through the rumor mill. Your clothes being top notch. Runes to auto fix rips and tears made on the heat of passion and more. But despite being so beautiful, sturdy, and definitely helping excite the men of the women who shop here Your prices are MUCH lower than your competition. Naturally you have become quite popular and peaked my interest. But I couldn’t possibly accept free outfits for just me and my daughter….how about you have a few of my daughters clothes be free and you can still charge mine. But feel free to ask away.”

Luna stared at her massive breasts, seeing some wet spots on her dress starting for form, most likely from her lactating, before looking up at the smiling woman. “What exactly is the profession “milking cow” What does it entail? And why are your people so obsessed with the job?”

Midna giggled as she tilted her head at the succubus. She seemed to be super excited and she loved the energy she was giving off. “A milking cow is a profession where a cowgirl becomes a source of milk for a business or family. When a cowgirl gets pregnant she starts lactating milk quickly and produces milk up to two years after giving birth. In all professions as a cowgirl for a family or for a business the cowgirl gets free room and board and food from the family/business. Meaning she doesn’t have to pay for rent or food for the next two to three years; time depends on how early the pregnancy is. In the case of a business that uses milk in recipes, a cowgirl usually receives thirty percent of all profits from the dishes. Most of the time milk is used for desserts like cake and such so it's usually restaurants that cater to royalty. Cowgirls are hired over the actual cow animal as our milk is much richer, and delicious in taste. To compare the two is like comparing night and day. Once you had a cowgirls milk you will never want to switch back.

“The smallest a cowgirl typically will earn working at such a place is three thousand eris a day. That’s the smallest ever recorded. It’s usually ten to fifteen thousand a day. But to help you understand why we take these jobs let’s say for this sake we use the bare minimum ever recorded. Thirty days a month, twelve months a year for three years. At the minimum she would have made three million and two hundred forty thousand eris. The average rent is thirty thousand eris a month. So from just one job as a milking cow she got three years of free rent and food. As well as nine years worth of eris to cover rent in a house with her and the baby without work. That’s also not taking into account if she took a job as a waitress and any tips she got from nobles who wanted to give the pregnant mama cow extra money. And again that’s if she got the bare minimum ever recorded every day that whole time!

“it’s one of the most profitable and safe jobs for our race… fact it makes more money than nearly any other job for any race just about. For family cows they get paid a minimum of five million by the contract. Naturally cause of this milking cows is a highly sought after profession for our race. And so there is rarely a free spot open. When there is a new spot open the place gets flooded with auditions and requests.”

Midna said with a pleased smile on her face. “this means some are desperate and will go to a place not pregnant and will let the contract/job giver knock them up so they can get the job. It’s quite common for the business owner to be her child’s parent honestly. The colors on a cowgirl is usually a one time mate collar. A way to claim a animal girl and magically bind her to have your child and no one else till she carries yours first. Their the animal peoples version of marriage. We have one that’s for a single mating season and some that are permanent like the humans weddings.”

Luna nodded and she eyed the two and definitely saw potential to have a cowgirl Harry’s harem. And she knew a great way to afford a few cows for harry to have fun with when she finally finds him. Example, this world has no electricity and she has never heard or seen anyone speak of ice cream. So she is certain that would become a hit and exclusive to her if she connects her apparel store to a Café and ice cream parlor that will have cow girl waitresses. Then a thought occurred to her.

“When I was in Elroad I never saw any cowgirls. Why?”

Midna nodded in understanding. “Elroad is the richest country and has the most shops and restaurants but us beastmen come from far up north in a tundra like climate. Elroad is a desert and is not something we will willingly go to. A few may make the journey to the country of riches. But it will be so hot to them they would want to leave quickly. We like to stay in Belzerg cause of this.”

Luna nodded before guiding the two, with Lolisa, into the store. She dressed them up in various outfits: nighties, lingerie, and even showed Midna a two-piece with cow-spot designs, gloves, and thigh-highs with cow-spot designs. She was overjoyed and knew this would excite her noble mate and pin her down to give her another child.

Apparently the main reason she came was cause her daughter has come of age to be hired as a milking cow and was already trying to find places or nobles to hire her. So Luna had her wear various outfits and walk around with it to see if she liked how they feel and to see how erotic she was with them.

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Images made by SFCProJunior

But with each outfit Luna got hornier and wanted to suggest skimpier and skimpier outfits for Nyx until she wore an outfit that hid nothing from the world.

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Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (11)

Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (12)

Images made by SFCProJunior

Once it came time to check out Luna simply waved it off and said again that they would be free.

“No Ms. Luna I can’t possibly not give you anything. You work hard for the girls hear and have such a lovely reputation. I can’t not just give you anything.”

Luna smiled and held up a finger. “How about this. They will be free but it you insist on giving me something how about you or your daughter give me an audition? With the usual wages and benefits of course.”

At this the two girls tilted their heads in confusion causing Luna to giggle. “I have several milk based recipes that can’t be found anywhere else and special new foods that I wanna try to see if cow milk will work great with. You can bring me a bit for me to try to make my recipe with and you can try it. Like it and I’ll open up a side parlor for desserts and you can be milking cows for me.”

Midna looked thoughtfully and spoke up. “my darling won’t let me since I am permanently mated to him now. But my daughter is wanting to be a milking cow and if it’s as good as your clothes it will definitely be a hit. But um….that also involved her becoming a mother. And no men work here so wh-“

“Don’t worry us succubi have a way to get girls pregnant too! It will belong to me~”

The two looked at Nyx to see what her answer would be but Luna had something on her mind and decided to ask away. “Why have you not said anything this whole time, Nyx? Surely a cutie like you would have had some personally requests for colors for your clothing.”

Nyx blushed before she murmured quietly. “I know that succubi are very highly regarded in Elroad by the royal family. Succubi only need mana from sexual activities to survive so they opened up a lot of sexual theme shops in Elroad to get their food. This means they don’t need money for daily needs unless they want to splurge for just the sensations and taste of food and drink and other pleasures.

“This made it so succubi naturally became wealthy fast but didn’t need the money, so they donated it all as presents to the country to help keep it sustained and funded and only keeping what they needed to refill stock and pay any nonsuccubi employees. I heard that half the countries overall funding comes from succubi in general. Half comes from succubi, twenty percent comes from trading spices and wine with Belzerg, and the last thirty percent is from the people of the county being taxed normally. With how highly regarded and popular succubi are in Elroad

….and the succubus queen coming out saying you’re her daughter……you’re the equivalent of a princess….or a duch*ess at least. And I am just a daughter of a concubine to a noble…..I….didn’t want to say much and risk accidently angering you and getting a bad reputation for my mama and family with Elroad.”

At this Luna giggled and waved her hand dismissing it. “Please don’t see me as a princess. Just think of me as the horny little minx who loves making people happy and is asking if you would become a milking cow for her and join her in bed.”

Nyx blushed and looked away shyly before glancing back. “i……I’m not uninterested.”

At this Midna clapped her hands and slowly walked away to grab a big glass bottle that was full of candy. “Mind if I dump these out in a bowl.”

Luna shook her head to show she didn’t mind before bringing her a bowl. After dumping the candy into it Luna watched as Midna casted a water spell to clean the bottle and excused herself into the dressing room. A few moments later there was some panting and sexual moaning and mooing that made various girls blush before Midna reappeared and the bottle was full of a white liquid.

She walked over and handed it to Luna. “Here is some milk from me. You can use it to try to make this dish you said is unique that you want to hire my daughter for. We will come back in a couple days. If we both like it we shall see what her final decision will be.”

Luna thanked her happily as she took the bottle. She watched the mother daughter pair wave at her as they left the store. Upon leaving the axis priestess Cecily entered the store with a major frown on her face before grabbing a scarlet piece from a rack and approaching for her enchanted fitting. Luna saw her face was filled with disgust that she was doing this but it vanished as Luna grabbed her hand and saw what she wanted most, promptly becoming that thing to please her, her body becoming smaller, her hair became a more cutesy style and her eyes sparkled with happiness. “Thank you for coming in for your fitting big sis Cecily~!”

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She watched as Cecily eyes practically became hearts and she grew a perverse smile with drool leaking out the side or her lips. Her hands began to make groping gestures and she developed a minor nosebleed as Luna guided her to the back room to begin the sexual experience to give her an enchanted fitting for her piece.

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Five days later

Things have been much better in Cecily’s life than they were right now. The Axis church in axel has been attacked, plastered with graffiti, and so much more as of late. All stemming from that demon harlot. It was all HER fault.

She went in for a fitting after seeing how popular the shop was becoming and saw it as a way to trick….er….convert people to the path of axis, to the loving arms of the goddess aqua. She went in and swallowed down the disgust at being in the shop of a demon whor* but got stunned with the beauty and lustful form of a lolicious little sister.

Hearing the adorable loli call her ‘big sis Cecily’ made her heart skip so much she could take it and became infatuated with the demon trickster.

The harlots showed her a cliff of carnal pleasure with that adorable and sexy form all axis members love. Showing her pleasurable yet sinful delights that would make any girl quiver. If the demon was a man she would be experiencing the miracle of a child from the act of sinful lust. But as they were both girls and her form was that magnificent and lolicious body they used toys to bring out her desires.

She climbed a cliff of pleasure and was tossed over the side into the frothing waves of the sea of bliss below so much. Having the demon in loli form sit on her face, having her bent over as she sticks her fingers blessed by the goddess aqua into her little sister puss*. Cecily had found her heav…..her hell. She had temporally abandoned her goddess. So after the act was over and she got her fitting she ran away and prayed for hours.

Her fitting was a sexy scarlet lingerie that would vibrate when people looked at her as the whor* said that she apparently had a kink to be watched. And every time anyone called her big sis Cecily the vibrations would double in intensity. And finally, as she hated stink and sweat that formed on her from the sun and scammi…..convincing people to join lady Aqua’s faith, it would make her smell like a nice fruity scent which helps attract more victi… listeners to her public sermons of Aqua’s love.

She used this to convince a lot of people that the church had teamed up with the whor*s shop and all new people who signed got free fittings. She knew the demon would fake sorrow and would give them fittings for free as an apology so she wasn’t lying. The issue was she didn’t realize the contract you signed for a fitting said if you're ever banned, the enchantments shatter.

The whor* confronted her and banned her for lying and tricking people into signing their life over for a lie. HA, she isn’t making them sign their life into slavery….just that they have to give up seventy percent of income to the church monthly, have to pray to Aqua five times a day, and assist in tri…convincing others into the faith as well. Or else the church will size all properties, assets, and money from them.

The enchantments shattered and she could no longer get off and squirm and squeal in delight as she brought people into the knowledge of Aqua’s love.

But it got worse, her body was spoiled from the sinful acts of that whor* and her outfit. No matter how hard she tried or what she used she couldn’t get to that cliff of pleasure again. She went to her boyfriend, a man who was the fifth in line to inherit the nobility of his family, and she did so much to degrade and demean herself to keep him hard. She said so much dirty sinful things to help keep him feeling intense passion to help her Feel that cliff again…..yet couldn’t. Her lover was around two and a half cm. in length. She knew that was big….right? The harlots was lying when she said that was all right? It couldn’t be his fault…or that the harlots just knew how to treat a woman better.

She couldn’t even feel what she felt before. Her body was ruined she craved that lolicious demon to mess her up again.

NO that’s sin. She cannot let that Harlot do it again. Who knows how many others are suffering like her. So she went to the demon whor* to settle the score.

Two days ago

She found her sitting at a table she had set up outside her shop of sinful clothing. She was talking to a cow woman and a girl who was obviously her daughter. They were eating some weird white and dark thing while squealing at the taste. “COOOOOLD~!” The daughter squealed as she scooped more into her mouth. “ice cream you said this was? Chocolate and vanilla? Are there any others? I definitely want to be your cow if you can make my milk into this! This will be the most popular treat in all Belzerg I know it!”

The whor*’s slu*t loli coworker Lolisa ran past her with posters that said, ‘lunar delights in axel, looking for four more cowgirls for milking position. Luna the owner requests them to not be pregnant yet as she wants them to be pregnant after she hires them for maximum possible milk she can get from them.’

“Sorry ma’am Need to get this to a postal station to be teleported around Belzerg guilds.” She said as she rushed off.

Cecily watched the three chatting away for a few minutes before she snapped her staff up and blasted a high power water spell at them. “DIE DEMON whor*! MY BODY IS RUINED CAUSE OF YOU! SACRED TURN UNDEAD!”

She screamed as a wide area around the whor*. But the harlot jumped out of the way just in time. Cecily ran at her and tackled her threw the glass windows, shattering it as glass flew everywhere and several girls in the shop screamed at the shock of what was happening.

Cecily raised her staff again but the whor*s demonic tail came out and shattered it into pieces as it jabbed forth like a spear into it.

Cecily gripped her hair with one hand before slamming her hand down hard to punch the whor*. “SEX IS GONE TO ME! MY BOYFRIEND CAN’T PLEAESE ME ANYMORE. YOU MADE IT SO YOUR CLOTHES DON’T WORK FOR ME EITHER. NOT EVEN THE TOYS. YOU RUINED ME SO NOW I AM GONNA RUIN YOU WH-!”

The demon headbutted her off of her and pushed her away. “it’s not my fault you have a selfish partner with a small dick. He can’t keep himself hard because he is constantly visiting the succubus den and has fun and dreams with them of him having you as a slave. I know what nearly every man’s dream is. I saw yours having a harem of little sisters while being married to a rich, loving husband. His is him having you and a bunch of other women chained to a bed and unable to leave. You could do much better than him! I know you’re a good person who cares deeply about people. Just that dawned enslaving bitch of a goddess has you brainwa-“


Cecily charged at her again but found herself restrained by something. She turned her head and slapped the face hard of the one who was holding her back from righteous divine punished before her face paled. The person in front of her was the concubine of the father of her lover. A woman whom was said to be even more beloved than his own wife. Her children couldn’t inherit the estate and nobility but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give her so much money and gifts and how deeply he cared about her. And knew that what she did would cause an uproar if anyone heard of it.

Cecily mouth opened and closed constantly. In shock at what she did before she was pulled away roughly. “My sincerest apologies lady Luna I assure you this won’t happen again……if it means no ill will will happen between you and my darling and his family….I will offer you anything you desire if it’s in my power.”

The succubus only shook her head. “I don’t want anything from you. And it’s not up to me, but the queen once she hears of this. As I have no say in how far she will react to when news of this gets out. But please don’t hurt her. She is a good person deep down…..she just doesn’t realize it and is being manipulated. And please if it’s the son of your lover please have a chat about him and his…desires.”

Midna looked down sadly. “We know how twisted he is as he thinks he owns everything and he can do whatever thanks to how his mom raised him, not wanting him to be near his father who would have given him humility and strict discipline after I came into his life. But make no mistake he will NOT be claiming my darling’s estate or noble line ever.”

Cecily was then dragged as she hung on the arms of the woman who could easily have put her to death if she wanted. But she got off free cause apparently the demoness didn’t want her hurt.

Present day

News of what happened had spread far and fast. Once the succubus queen learnt of what happened she went to the king and queen of Elroad and made a lot of demands. First was all Axis churches were to be demolished and all members of the faith to be expelled from the nation. And that all trade to Belzerg be halted. Failure to meet this and her succubi are ready to leave the nation.

Faced with this choice of losing twenty percent the national funding or half…..the choice was simple.

All trade was canceled and this meant all the spices and wine and alcohol was no longer being traded to Belzerg. This caused outrage in various guilds as adventurers were given less and less to “ration” What little they had left before it was gone.

It has only been a day since this decree was announced and that an axis member, who was unnamed as the succubi didn’t want people to abuse and hurt said individual, was responsible. After this the axel church was having rocks thrown inside, having graffiti written on it and slurs of the goddess being an abusive whor* and her teachings barbaric. Notes threatening to burn the church down and far more.

Cecily came back in from cleaning the outside walls for the fifth time that day before collapsing onto the bed in her room at the church and began to cry.

The Axis faith has become the most hated faith in all of Belzerg and Elroad.

At the axel guild

A blue haired girl hummed happily as she put her eris on the counter. She sold her teammate's jacket to get this and was excited to have enough to afford a two-gallon bottle of Mr. Bubbly wine from Elroad. “one bottle, please.”

The guild waitress looked apologetically as she only took a small fraction and poured her a small glass.

“…..excuse me miss….I said a bottle and gave you my money….why you only take a portion and only give me a glass…..” The blue haired girl said with a sickly sweet smile.

“w….we have to ration it…..after Elroad has announced no more trade with Belzerg for the foreseeable future due to the axis cult .”

“right now as I said I want a bot…….eh….EHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!”

Then an almost naked late teen ran in and charged at the girl. “AQUAAAAAAAA I KNOW YOU STOLE MY TRACKSUIT!!!! GIVE IT BACK NOOOOW!”

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Archwizard of Emerald and Crimson - Chapter 6 - Jodaviz2 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.